Admission to 2nd / 3rd year or apprenticeship

Apprenticeship at Bac +3 level (3 years of higher education)

Admission via the apprenticeship pathway is open to students in their final year or holding a BTS, DUT, BUT or licence in the specialist disciplines taught at the IG2I (via apprenticeship or as a student), or in their final year of a scientific CPGE.

Admissions are also open to foreign students preparing a diploma equivalent to those mentioned above and demonstrating a B2 level in French.

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> I would like to see the rules for the selection

After a Bac +2 or Bac +3 (2 or 3 years of higher education)

Parallel admissions are open to students preparing for or holding a BTS, a DUT, a BUT (2nd or 3rd year), a bachelor’s degree in the specialist disciplines taught at the IG2I, or in the final year of a scientific CPGE.

Admissions are also open to foreign students preparing a diploma equivalent to those mentioned above and demonstrating a B2 level in French.

> Download the application form

> I would like to see the rules for the selection

Selection process for admission to 2nd or 3rd year

The selection process is the same whether for admission to 2nd or 3rd year or for the apprenticeship pathway. Applications must be made by sending in the application form for the chosen admission method.

The selection process for admission to 2nd or 3rd year comprises an eligibility phase and an admission phase:

  • Eligibility phase: review of academic records, with marks awarded.
  • Admission phase: a 20-minute oral interview to assess the candidate’s motivation. A mark is awarded for this test.
  • 22 March (interview on 28 March)
  • 21 May (interview on 30 May)